Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? The Real Question is Should Everyone Go to College! Its a supply and demand problem. The more who go, the costlier it is. College cost have sky rocketed in the last 2 decades creating immense Debts and Financial Burdens. Leaving a generation unable to participate in the American Dream.

Is College Worth It?

For those who pursue a degree in the applied sciences or specific fields in business, college is the way to go. Engineering, Accounting, Actuarial Science, or Marketing all require a college degree. But what about other degrees like Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy or Fine Arts. As reported many of these students graduate to jobs which do not require a degree and thus do not earn enough to pay back college debt.

Is College Worth It

Many of these students should not even be in college yet go anyway which created hyper demand for teaching institutions. Add the abundance of government money being thrown into education, such as lotteries and student loans, of course there is an educational institution on every corner looking to get their share of the bounty. You should have learned this in your Macro Economics Class. The higher the demand, the costlier the supply. This is why professors and administrators at universities now earn 6 and 7 figure incomes per year without any additional work loads.

How Does This Effect Our Country’s Economy?

A whole generation leaving college unprepared to earn living incomes above what is required or is considered average in America. The prospects are bleak. Burdened with enormous debt, averaging tens of thousands of dollars and up, they are unable to participate in the economy. No new cars, houses, TV’s, the newest cellphones or furniture. They can’t afford it. And only making it more costly for the products and services they can afford, such as a used cars and apartments instead of houses. This in turn changes their attitudes about the American capitalistic society. It does not work for them.

So what is the answer?

Sorry to say that the 4 years spent at your higher institution of learning was almost a complete waste of time. Its time to change directions and start earning higher levels of income. You have found a Real Education which can be immediately put to work in todays and tomorrows world. It will not take long if you apply yourself. In a few months time you can be earning hundreds, even thousands per week. This is a proven pathway to success followed by thousands before you.

Sounds Expensive!

As little as $97 dollars can get you setup with this program.

Too good to be true? Compared to College, a true SCAM for Millions of Americans.

READY TO GO? Take a look here. Just get going and see what you will be learning. Apply it and gain the income and time freedom you deserve. This should be a required coarse in college.

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